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What is The Early Warning Truancy Program

The Early Warning Truancy Prevention Court Program requires students and their parents/guardians, after the fifth unexcused absence, to attend a meeting at the courthouse where Juvenile Probation Officers, HFI staff, and Attendance Officers from Anniston City Schools explain to parents and students their legal responsibilities and the risks associated with truancy. Early Warning Court's goal is to keep students and their parents/guardians from getting to seven unexcused absences which can result in an arrest warrant for the parent/guardian and/or a juvenile petition for students 13 or older

First Unexcused absence: 

Parents/guardians have three days to submit an excuse following the student's absence and return to school. Notification of the Alabama School Compulsory Law is sent by letter to parents/guardians from the school following the first or second unexcused absence

Third or Fourth Unexcused absence: 

Parents/guardians receive an attendance alert letter and/or phone call from the District Attorney's Helping Families Initiative (HFI) staff. HFI staff is available to assist with any wraparound services that may be needed

Fifth Unexcused Absence - Early Warning Truancy Court

Parents/guardians and students, if age 13 or over, are referred to attend the Early Warning Truancy Court Program sponsored by the Calhoun & Cleburne County District Attorney, the Juvenile Probation Office, and the Anniston City School System. HFI Case Officer, Regina Wynn, will attend Early Warning Truancy Court to offer any support that may be needed

After Early Warning Truancy Court

HFI Case Officer, Regina Wynn, will work with the family to devise a plan and provide community resources that may assist the family and prevent further truancy issues. If the student continues with unexcused absences (7 or more total), a Court Petition may be filed by the Calhoun & Cleburne County District Attorney's Office or the Anniston City School School System against the parent/guardian and/or the student. Parents/guardians and/or students could face jail time, court fees, probation, or conviction of truancy on their record. 

HFI exists to prevent these things from happening, so we encourage you to work with the HFI Case Officer, Regina Wynn, 256-452-5724.

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