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Literacy Reading Specialists

Per the Alabama Literacy Act, "An Alabama Reading Initiative local reading specialist shall be assigned to provide intensive, targeted professional development for elementary school teachers at one school."

Anniston City Schools' has a Literacy Reading Specialist at Cobb Preparatory Academy, Golden Springs Elementary, and Randolph Park Elementary.  

To ensure that all students are reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade, the responsibilities of the ARI-funded local reading specialist(s) as outlined in the Alabama Literacy Act will include the following, as demonstrated by student reading achievement and growth. The reading specialists will work with the principal to develop a strategic plan for coaching to support and assess the impact of reading instruction based on the science of reading, school baseline data, and data from approved early reading assessment systems.

They will also facilitate school-wide professional development, monitor and measure the impact of implementing effective reading instruction, and model best practices for teachers, including explicit, systematic, and detailed explanations, as well as providing ample opportunities for guided practice, error correction, and feedback. Additionally, they will coach and mentor teachers on a daily basis through planned coaching cycles based on data, gradually transferring responsibility to the teachers. This will also involve leading data analysis discussions and assisting teachers in using data to tailor instruction to meet the needs of students in accordance with the tiered instruction framework.

Cobb Preparatory Academy:  Kim Dailey 

Golden Springs Elementary:  Brandi Adams 

Randolph Park Elementary:  Keiuna Young